Liens d'accessibilité


2h 8m Drama 2022

Éligible pour :

  • Meilleur long métrage de fiction ou documentaire en coproduction
  • Meilleure contribution créative dans une oeuvre de fiction ou documentaire : Uli Simon (Costumes) | Véronique Dubray** (Maquillage) | **Angelo dos Santos, Loïc Collignon, Nicolas Leroy (Son)

Synopsis :

When Kamal resolves to change his life for the better, he leaves Belgium to help war victims in Syria. But, having arrived, he is forced to join a militia and is left stranded in Raqqa. Back home, his younger brother Nassim quickly becomes easy prey for radical recruiters, who promise to reunite him with his brother. Their mother, Leila, fights to protect the only thing she has left: her youngest son.


Adil El Arbi


Bilall Fallah


Uli Simon

Sound Designer

Angelo Dos Santos

Sound Designer

Loic Collignon

Sound Designer

Nicolas Leroy


English, French, Dutch, Flemish, Arabic


Luxembourg, Belgium, France


Calach Films, Caviar, Le Collectif 64